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The collection HUMIDITY contains humidity readings recorded for the city of Melbourne over the course of one working week (5 days), starting on Monday and ending on Friday (inclusive). Each day, 24 readings were taken - one each hour. Each day the first reading is taken at 00:00, the second at 01:00 and so on through until 23:00. The data is stored in a collection in chronological order with the data for Monday stored in the first node followed by Tuesday and so on.
State the total number of readings that were taken during this week.
Construct an algorithm to read the HUMIDITY data into a 2D array called MEASUREMENTS.
Contrast one advantage of having data in this new D array MEASUREMENTS data structure over the original HUMIDITY collection
Using the 2D MEASUREMENTS array from part (b), construct an algorithm to identify when the LOWEST humidity reading was recorded in a given week. Output both the day and the reading number for that day when the LOWEST reading occurred (for example, the 3rd reading on the 4th day of readings would be described as "Thursday 3"). You are also given a 1D array called NAMES which contains text strings starting from Monday through to Sunday sequentially (for example NAMES[2] yields the string 'Wednesday').

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