The Right Test - Fast
Computer Science Practice Exam Questions
Designed for The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, AS & A-Levels (OCR, AQA & Cambridge), General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
A Teacher's Problem
- incomplete;
- poorly formatted;
- or frustratingly Not Quite Right for the subject / study design.
- newer courses may have too few past papers available;
- often students already have access to past papers (& their solutions) online;
- many mark-schemes lack a detailed and unambiguous explanation - after all, these were designed for summative (rather than formative) assessment.
A Teacher's Solution - N7
Use N7 to quickly find high-quality questions by subject criteria and question type to easily compose targeted tests complete with detailed mark schemes. You can even add your own questions to the mix and share them with your community.

“As a teacher I have very little time. The service provided by N7 is a crucial help for me to be able to do my job better.”
Avoid Mediocre Mark Schemes
Professionally designed premium questions are complete with full mark schemes. Each mark scheme is carefully written to reflect the format, style, and accuracy of formal examination.
View a Mark SchemeFind Exactly the Questions You Need
Every premium question has been expertly mapped to real points on your subject, so you can find questions (multiple choice, short answer, and extended response) & tests related to the exact study point you're teaching.
Go to SearchTailor Material to Your Students
You know your students best. N7 gives you full control of our questions & tests to better support individual learning. Questions and tests can be used as provided, customised, or created from scratch.
Customise a TestCompose Properly Formatted Tests
While there are plenty of questions out there, putting them all together into a test can be painful. Tediously lining things up, ordering questions, counting marks, matching fonts; things you'll never have to worry about again.
Create a Test
“N7 has been an incredible time saver. Before, I would spend hours either searching through past papers and mark schemes for appropriate questions or writing my own. With N7 I can create a Module quiz or end-of-year exam with a mark-scheme in just a few minutes. The exam-board style questions accurately assess progress and really help to prepare students for their final exams.”
Deliver Tests on Paper (PDF)
Prepare your students for their exams by giving them tests on paper. Paper affords a natural form of expression and lowers cognitive load.
Download a TestStreamline Your Class Discussions
Toggle between question/answer view on the big screen. No more clumsy scrolling to find mark schemes at the end of long documents.
View a Question
“Fantastic easy to use tool for creating authentic IB DP practice tests in a downloadable PDF format. The tool has a template of the standard 3 types of exam questions (multiple choice, short answer and extended answer), allows you to create your own questions and answers, assign point values and includes a shared database of questions created by qualified IB Teacher colleagues. Additional premium questions are available if you subscribe to the N7 Service. A time saver and game changer in assessing IB DP students.”
Ready to dive in?Start for free today.

The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge
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